Friday, February 22, 2008

Apparently I have mind powers

I have 107 Radiohead songs. I'm not trying to brag, it's just background information.

You see, today I have been in a kind of "woe-is-me" blah mood. Some people would listen to happy music in these circumstances. However, I find that when I'm depressed, depressing music makes me feel better. Don't ask me how it works. So I hit shuffle on my iTunes and type in Radiohead. I was like, I hope one of the most depressing songs of theirs comes in. Enter "Fake Plastic Trees". So I laid down on my bed and was like, you know what, all I'm doing is feeling sorry for myself. All of a sudden "Just" comes on, which features the lyrics "You do it to yourself, you do, and that's why it really hurts".

I know, these aren't that strange, but it seems like there are so many points in your life where music really adds a soundtrack to it. That's cliche, but it's only cliche because it's true.

Sidenote: One time I hit shuffle on some band where I had 50 songs or something, and I promised my iPod a dollar if it played a certain song first. Well, it did, so for the next month I left a dollar where I set my iPod while it recharged.

Holy crap. I just realized that it's my iPod that has the ability to read minds, not my mind that has the ability to send messages.

Anyway, the song of the day today is a no-brainer.

"Just" by Radiohead.


Unknown said...

yeah i've tried the old shuffle when i'm feeling down...unfortunately i get "detachable penis" by king missile every time...i don't know what this means.

TJ said...

well, since that song is often mistaken as a primus song (because it was written by les claypool), perhaps it means that you have an identity crisis...

...or it just means that you are depressed because your male genitalia often goes missing.